Do You Need to Tidy-up Your Money?
– SWEEP out old spending habits…
– FRESHEN up with some simple but effective money management skills anyone can use…
– CLEAN up your debt…
– PLAN for your future…
Take the CAP Money Course! This course is devised by the award winning debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty Canada (CAP).
In partnership with CAP, this course is brought to you FREE of charge by Faith Baptist Church, Huntsville.
In 3 sessions you can learn important budgeting skills & how to use a simple money management system that really works.
Sessions are on Wednesdays October 2, 9, 16 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Huntsville Public Library – 7 Minerva Street East, Huntsville.
Register at
Questions? Call Faith Baptist Church: 705-789-2492